I have never understood why people (well, some not all)
usually make it a big deal when you genuinely have a laugh. I mean, there is
fake laughter and the real thing.
Fake laughter is just that, fake! It comes out wrong. It is
Real laughter on the other hand is a delight. It feels
alive. It is freeing. It shows the
person is happy and delighted by something.
Insecure people feel threatened by genuine laughs. Secure
people, do not worry about trivial matters such as laughs.
Fake laughs annoy everybody.
Does laughter make
you feel humiliated?
Why? Do you have something to hide? Most likely, you have a
related skeleton in the closet. Let people be. In most cases, they are not laughing
about you. You don’t factor anywhere. Not everything is about you. Don’t make
it about you.
There are a number of people who take it personally when you
laugh. Either you are too sensitive or you have something to hide. Whatever it
is, handle it. Stop trying to make people come down to your level. You are not
worth it. Great people will not feel threatened. They usually have their s**t
If you have nothing to laugh about, look hard. There is
always something. An unbelievable goof … just something. You can’t be
laughter-free! I beg to differ.
Have you ever noticed that there will be somebody somewhere
laughing? So, why are you not laughing?
I’m not saying that you laugh at nothing but all I am saying
is that you should feel happy to the point of laughing every once in a while.
If this is strange to you, then you are a very negative person who needs
saving. By saving, I mean you ought to have yourself saved from yourself. You
need to take yourself seriously and have a moment of laughter.
Does Laughter make
you feel small?
Why do you have the need to feel this way? Or is it a want? You
are not small in any way. I bet the societal pressure has gotten to you. Do not
succumb to society.
It will define you
and you cannot be defined by simple definitions. You are a combination of very
many things, people and experiences. That is why the phrase “people know
nothing about you” exists. It is not pretentious. It is true. People know
nothing about you.
Does Laughter Affect
Okay. There is the annoying laugh. Somebody screaming into
their cell phone then laughing out loud, loud laughter with no end in sight,
certain people just laugh badly and other people’s laugh when you have nothing
to laugh at.
And, then, there is the courteous laugh. Controlled and
simple. You just have to respect this. If you don’t, then you have a serious
A courteous laugh is good for the soul. It makes you feel
alive. It makes you appreciate living. It is just so freeing. You become free
of your problems and burdens. It is a secret ingredient to life. Happy people
have laughter in their lives. Unhappy people cannot laugh frequently. I guess
that’s just life’s formula. You can’t be happy when your life is in shambles.
I’m not saying you laugh courteously each time. Of course,
there will be that time when you can’t help laughing loudly. And you won’t care
about anyone around you. You will feel comfortable doing your thing.
But, most times, you will find yourself in the courteous
zone if you are a happy person. Please don’t start with the personalities. Even
introverts laugh sometimes.
On cell phones;
There is etiquette. Just because you own a phone is no
reason that your neighbors complain. Be polite. Courtesy begets courtesy. There
is no need of laughing so loud when there are people around without explaining
why you are laughing so loud.
If you seriously cannot control your laugh, why not seek
some privacy? It works well.
On loud laughter;
Consider those folks around you. If your laughter belittles
them, try and laugh elsewhere. Don’t do it to their face. Have genuine motives
for laughing. If it is genuine, then whoever has a problem, too bad. You are
just being yourself. But even in the spirit of being yourself, be weary of
people who are not for you.
There are people who don’t want you happy. Learn them and walk away if you can.
There are people who don’t want you happy. Learn them and walk away if you can.
On bad laughter;
I was once told a story about someone who laughed so badly,
others would cease to laugh so that they would not be mistaken with this guy. I
guess that guy laughed so bad nobody wanted to identify with it.
Personally, I don’t think I have heard such bad laughter.
Maybe the fake ones.
On Irritation;
Look hard. You probably are going through a rough patch and
you get irritated by anybody and everybody laughing. You’ll get over it. Let
people be. Stop being jealous of others' happiness. If you are not jealous, stop
being bitter about your own problems. They don’t last forever. Be strong.
Everybody goes through the fire at one point.
People Laughing at you;
People Laughing at you;
Then there is laughter aimed at you. This is a bad motive. Ignore
it. Nothing you do will be worth it. Let it go. You will have the last laugh.
But it is better to be silent in some cases or to smile in others. The
circumstance will dictate your choice of the three.
Whatever, you do, be very sure that you will definitely rub someone wrong. If your
motives are pure, why worry?
Laugh at something
not somebody.
If you laugh at somebody, there is a high probability of you
being laughed at.
I won’t tell you about Karma but it applies.
Anyway, I have no issue when you laugh out loud.
By all means, laugh
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