Thursday, October 30, 2014

Month Ends …

Month ends are always associated with salaries by some … not that I have any problem.
For the working type, I am sure you are really looking forward to that long queue at the ATM. I understand other withdrawal methods are super expensive. How annoying!

(Sorry: I forgot to translate this caption. Here: when I look at my payslip versus the work I do, I feel like I can kill somebody)
For the business savvy kind, it is just another busy day with profits and losses. I am sure by now, this is normal.
For me, it is just another day I get to write a piece of my mind. I can’t wait to post tomorrow if I will be breathing and able. It is end month! This month ends with Halloween! What a creepy and fun day!
I wish those last statements gave me joy. They don’t. They just tell me that time waits for no man. I so wish time could wait for me. I have so many plans but they all have to be based on the time I have. That’s not good!
It is now that I am realizing how short life is. I wish I lived as long as a werewolf (I also wish they were real). I could do crazy things and many things with my long life. Instead, our lives have been reduced to a beautiful short story.
Anyway, probably eternity would have bored me to death. Maybe I’d appreciate having a short life. Who knows!
You know, sometimes we wish for the opposite of what we have and find out that it is not what we expected. Unfortunately, many people are not utilizing all their brain. I wish I didn’t have to say this but, I happen to be in this group. This sucks!
So, I guess it is up to me to do a lot before there comes the expiry date. By a lot, I want to achieve my dreams. Babies happen not to be part of the dreams I have. I guess, I know they’ll just come anyway. So, why dream about them? However, many people never achieve their dreams. I’d like to be part of the positive statistic. You know, be an achiever.
We are individuals and we really like to look at youngsters and imagine we are young again. Shock! It is never too late to achieve. But, why wait that long? What am I waiting for? (I have no idea!)
Now, I need to live long enough to see this year end. I am sick and tired of 2014. But, funny enough … this year has been an eye-opener. Well, not the way people think, but in some deep, profound way.
I guess, I see things so clearly than in the past until I want to wish away my earlier years. I can’t believe I was that naïve! Dear God!
Anyway, that is just a realization because I said bye to someone who was almost a century old.
I really hope that I didn’t misbehave while saying goodbye. I have an infectious bubbliness that even any death cannot conquer. That’s God. That can’t be my doing.
Maybe there is a reason. Okay, there is … I don’t know it.
I guess every cloud has a silver lining. I like to believe that I dwell on the silver lining and not on the cloud.
I have come to realize that our lives cannot be explained away. They are just too complex. Too bad, the naïve people only see the face value.
Seriously, I don’t want to be that naïve. I want to understand the deeper complexities of life. If that makes me different, okay.
By the way, my memory and hers cannot be compared. I blame the foods we eat today!
I don’t want to re-open a wound for some people, so I guess I’ll just stop there. It wouldn’t be fair to do so.
Anyway, life goes on.
Another month is here now ...

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