Saturday, October 4, 2014


Maya Angelou was right. People never forget how they felt. So do your thing knowing that people are important. They define so much. Do not joke with their being however powerful you think you are. It always comes back on you. Sometimes we go overboard. Remember people don’t forgive but you can choose to forgive and forget. It's always about choice.
So do your thing. Be yourself to the right people. If you are just kind, expect nothing from people. They will disappoint you, anyway. But do bother if it is in you. If not, stop faking already. Being kind to people who don’t care won’t change anything. So expect nothing in return. Be you. If you cannot handle kind, why pretend? People will see your true colors anyway. You cannot hide it. It is taxing to hide anything. It is easy to be you however harsh the judgment may be. 

I know I judge people I deem unfit for some positions like crazy but that is changing.  Wow! I’m so loving this. I won’t say anything unless I have to. I learn people instead not judge them after all I think I would do the same if I were in their shoes. But let me be totally honest. I won’t do things the way you think. Unless you are my boss, seriously, don’t waste time. Take me as I am or leave me as I am. I know I am crazy but I won’t justify it. It is good to look back and reflect. It teaches you a lot.
The hardest part to all this is the tendency to see the best in people. It is just hard especially if you are made up of something I am not made up of. I think people are different and it is good. If we were all the same, the world would be a boring place to live in. Different is good in its own way. But don’t live with that person. He or she will become your downfall.
It is good to tolerate people but make no mistake. I never told you to live with them. You’d be digging your own grave!!!
Be radical. Do your thing. Dare to be different but let somebody else be somebody else. 
Don’t expect them to be like you. There are things that you can’t pick on because you wouldn’t get it anyway. I don’t get so many things so yeah … but I know my kind. Pretty well.
I think that’s how tolerance is achieved.
I’m not saying you understand things that don’t make sense to you. No!!!  Why should you be the person to understand? You are the bigger person? Well let me tell you something; I don’t mind being the smaller person. Not at all! Be you. If you want to scream, do it. If you want to be quiet, do it. If you want to be crazy, go ahead. People will judge you nine ways to Sunday but don’t mind it.
Let me tell you, unless you don’t criticize, people will hurt you. There will always be someone who sees you wrong. Be you. Don’t let critics be your guide. Let people talk. Care not.
Do your thing and be proud of it. Understand that you will be criticized anywhere, anytime. If you mind, that’s on you. Don’t be easily influenced but feel free to be better. Add value to yourself. Forget about people who don’t get your drift. They might but if not, they are better off, far from you.

If you are not content with where you are or what you are. Change it.
Anyway, time to go.

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