A cliché heading? Yeah …
But it is quite true. You are just part of a very complex
equation. Never allow problems to bring you down. You will think life is just a
waste of time and it is really not.
Seriously, it is not.
Even the very best of us deal with issues. I like to think
issues are challenges. They bring you down for a while but then, if you have a
positive attitude, you end up way above what was pulling you down. Honestly,
life would bore without challenges.
If your attitude is negative, let me take this opportunity
and tell you that you should not read this piece. It will just make you
Ever noticed that all the problems in the world are caused
by negativity?
Even fear. That is negative.
You should tell yourself that you can do it. Yes, you can.
Anyway, I think everyone gets a dose of problems at one time
or another. If it is not school, it is work; if not home, it is friends; if not
neighbors, it is strangers! SMH! …
So why worry?
Don’t let your eyes fool you into thinking that the person
you are seeing is without an issue. Every cloud has its silver lining. The
bigger the problem; the better the blessing.
So why fear problems? They make you better. And you know the
best bit is what? You don’t own all the world’s problems. If you did, you’d not
make it.
If you still think you do, your attitude needs to be
checked. Bad attitudes will always lead to bad habits.
And bad habits need time to uproot. For real!!!
But I didn’t say you rely on someone to fix your issues.
They are yours to handle. God can help you. Man, is weak.
Start with that and your fear phobia will dissipate.
I have noticed that good habits attract other good ones. Bad
habits, on the other hand go with other bad ones.
Strive to have good habits. You will be happier.
Seriously, problems are never there to kill you. They merely
point you in the right direction. And you will always come out a better person
than before.
I know so because these great people (anybody in your life
that you think is great) have been in fires you know nothing of.
Just because the person shines does not mean he or she had
it easy. They had to overcome obstacles to get to where they are. These are
obstacles you know nothing of. But, you want to compare. How?
This greatness should inspire you. It should be a motivating
factor. Instead, you think some people just have it easy … no problems
whatsoever! Wrong!
The attitude is the difference.
While yours is frying you alive, somebody else is busy
looking for a way out, through, around or past his problem.
Yeah, we may think that some people have it easy and some
not so easy but try looking at that person whose life you think is
problem-free. Honestly, you will love
yours more than it deserves. Learn to be thankful for your life.
Kill yourself if you think living is hard!
Anyway, be happy you live. Solve your problems and take
time. Forget about others. I mean, they are not you. But if they are that
important, don’t complain about your burdens. Handle them like a boss!
The biggest problem I have encountered is the fact that
people don’t know when to apply advice. Look at your situation, analyze it and
find out whether you can fold or (What else does Kenny say?)… Yeah, you finish that sentence.
Seriously, if you are not so lucky in applying advice, I
don’t have the slightest idea how to help you.
But, I think anyone can get my drift. I know you get it.
If you got my last post, seriously, you are way smarter than
you think.
Anyway, never focus on problems. They just attract more
problems. Focus on the good. It attracts good.
But, problems don’t last forever! They come for a season and
then leave.
Once they leave, you
begin to feel a new you regenerating.
Smile, you don’t own all problems in the world.
By the way, if you want motivation, Robin Sharma has it all!
Don’t look at me!
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