Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Trust Me, Trust Me Not …

English: Four coloured 6 sided dice arranged i...
English: Four coloured 6 sided dice arranged in an aesthetic way. All six possible sides are visible. Français : Quatre dés à six faces de quatre couleurs différentes. Les six faces possibles sont visibles. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

People who take things personally when those things are not aimed at them tell me something. You doubt yourself. That alone is pathetic …
You are more powerful than you think.
I’ll only get personal with you if you get personal with me. That is, if I know you. But most times, I’m cool.
I don’t do personal with strangers, not really. But that does not mean I won’t call the manager. I certainly will. I won’t assume you do get personal. I’ll know it. You’ll tell me or show me. I don’t talk much but I do understand some things. If you are waiting for a verbal exchange, you’ll become a skeleton waiting. I no longer do verbs. I’ll simply let you be and you’ll know you did wrong to get personal with me. Not that I want it to, it just happens out of the blues.
There is personal that happens with other things. That’s your issue. I won’t say anything.
If I scream at you, thank your God. I’ll never ask you about that incident. It will automatically become moot.
If I don’t say a word, my friend, it’s never moot!!! And imagine it’s not my doing. I won’t touch you. No!!! And ruin my nails in the process? I don’t think so.
By the way, I rarely scream. I don’t like it. It’s so not me. I like cool, calm and collected.
But I won’t tolerate crap. No!!! I’m just built to tell you something. I can’t help it.
And no!!! It has got nothing to do with special. You are also very special but keep the special to yourself. I honestly don’t need it. I’ve seen an abuse of special and it’s not pretty.
I so want to laugh but seriously, you are very valuable. At least, to the people around you who see you as valuable. If you do not have such people, I can’t console you. Sorry.
If people value you internationally, you are a force to reckon with. I can’t argue with that. But I have seen an injustice in the world. Bad things happen to good people. So I won’t judge you. I will judge your actions. Do your thing. I used to, now, I just can’t.
Anyway, I rarely get personal. I know shit happens that is why I won’t say you deserve it. You don’t. I’ve had a share of the bitter stuff and I know it’s not sweet to the taste. Anyway, I’m not claiming to know your pain. Not really. I barely understand it. But, don’t make war with me. Anyway, do what you want. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
And don’t tell me about perfection. We both know you are not perfect but don’t use that as an excuse. You will only aggravate matters. Nobody is perfect. It’s not excusable to say so.
If I hurt you, I was not aware but hitting back will solve nothing. Tell me what I did wrong. I seriously want to know. I think I was being myself or religion was really a thing then. I happen to come from a union of a religious person and a saint. I don’t know what I am. I want to find that out. Or I can just ignore the matter. I don’t know yet.
It’s sad that I know not but time is magical. I’ll soon know. Or I do know? Maybe.
Please don’t write. Tell me in person. You may write and find that it is the last thing you ever said. That would be sad. But, arguments bring them on!!! We’ll find a solution that fits the situation. If you don’t want a solution, then you must be very negative and I don’t do negative at all.
God, these “don’ts” are too many. I’ll write “do’s” next time.

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