Friday, October 17, 2014

Empowering People …

Sometimes sharing with others is powerful. I have just joined a powerful network that will make me grow. I know so. Instincts …
And no! It’s not MLM!
Yeah, MLM, tell me about them …!
I didn’t say they are bad. No!
They work for some people. They may not work for you. Don’t get personal!
But, if you are not outspoken, why bother?
MLM works for people who have perfected the art of convincing others!
And, don’t complain about MLM.
Even stars make their dimes differently. Don’t do it if you don’t trust it. Period.
I think the most important part about growing up is the “eye opening” deal. Your eyes become really open! It is a process, but it happens soon enough. Everything in its own time! Time … wow!
If your eyes were opened long time, good for you!
Now, never underestimate empowering people, but don’t smother them. Let them be.
If they want to follow your advice, okay! If not, don’t sulk.
You don’t need to shove your advice down whatever throat you’ve got with you, to make a difference in someone’s life. Not really. After all, what makes you think you are right? People need to feel they have options. If they make bad decisions, so? It is their life. You have yours. Work on yours!
Not everyone can make the right decision every time. Even warren buffet makes mistakes. And that creates a building block not a stumbling block. The attitude matters.
By the way, people whose lives are in order don’t mess with other people’s lives. They let them be. I have seen it. True story.
I got advice yesterday and I know it will work for me.
You have to put advice in a sieve too. Take the good, leave the bad.
When I say bad, I mean advice that won’t work for you.
Trust me, not all advice is good for you. Some of it just doesn’t work.
Good as it sounds, it is not for you!
Now, I’ve really noticed a huge difference in almost every aspect of me. But, I made a 100% loss somewhere. It is sad but funny. This quote was right. I listened to people and ignored my instincts. Next time, I’d rather go with my instincts. If they warn me against it, I’ll listen.
I took a huge risk and I can tell you it was not worth it.
Next time, I’ll be wiser.

Anyway, lesson learned!
I’ll admit that I’m deeply regretting my actions.
If only I listened to my instincts!
Anyway, every cloud has a silver lining and I know where mine lies. So, regret or not, there is a tiny happiness somewhere. Seriously, it could have been worse!
Now, what did I want to type about this awesome opportunity?  Oh, yeah!
Sharing is, without a doubt, powerful.
If I hadn’t been candid with this person, I’d not have gotten this link.
Candor. Once I decided to go the other way, I tell you the **** that happened, only God knows what went down. I just know that road is chaos for me. God, can tell you the rest!

Now, I am straight. Like it or not, it works in my favor, every time.
And don’t mention that Harvard liar. I ignored my instincts. I paid for it. That’s a goner!
Seriously, I end up paying when I don’t listen to my inner guidance.
Decision: Listen to my Instincts from today. They are never wrong!
I’m getting that I skipped a day posting and that on some days this month, I posted twice. You know what to do. Blame the variance in time. It’s seriously not my fault! Even if I wanted, some of my audience would be affected by time. I don’t control time.

I won’t lie, I seriously love October!

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