Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Scales …

I have realized that people are hurting. I do not want to add to that pain.
But then again, I think you need to know your crowd. Do not be a source of pain. Be a blessing instead.
Sometimes, it is just hard not to rub someone the wrong way! Yes you’ll bless someone and step on another in some cases. Sugarcoating anything is just wrong!
And, for that, I should go back to high school and whip the career master!
I wish I could just be quiet on some things. Okay, that’s a bad wish.
I take it back!
Recently, I read a very funny article on one of our people and their poor culinary skills. I couldn’t agree more! I agreed with that piece because it really says it in black and white. There is no gray area. And, whatever is mentioned there is quite right.
Because of that piece, I will frequent that blog from now on. Not because I know the guy, not because of anything but, because of the good writing. It makes me happy. It turns out, I like to be happy.
You know, everything has its positives and negatives. You just have to take the good with the bad. And don’t focus on the bad because it will just create a ripple effect on you!

That’s why I do not understand parents when they bash their kids. How do you even not feel pain? What’s with this entire perfection thing? Where did it come from? Who told you that your kids will not make mistakes? Why were you copulating without rubber if you didn’t need kid drama? Appreciate what you’ve got. Why are you comparing kids? So what, if the other kid is good at what not, and yours is not?
Have you ever thought that the kid you are bashing is very good at something? Take the good with the bad. That’s the secret to life!
It is impossible to have the cake and to eat it. So, anything is possible. Why not try this?
Be real too.
That reminds me;
I went visiting a kid in high school (in case you didn’t know, my country has boarding schools for kids and you get to see them on certain set days. I don’t like it but, you cannot run away from reality). He was shouted at because of bad grades. I wanted to run out of that vehicle and just get away.
Whatever we were eating became sand in my mouth. Of course I ate. It happens to be my strong point. Nothing can make me not eat when I am hungry.
I hope I don’t make such a bad parent. Well, to me, that wasn’t good! If it is for you, good for you! I think you are just positive!
Sorry, that’s a lie! I think you are deluded!
Maybe that’s why I loved another family which just made you feel at home, welcome anytime, at peace and they’d make jokes about almost anything. Nothing looked impossible!
Wow! I still remember that experience as one of the best experiences of my life.
 I was sorry that this guy got such treatment from his own parents but, maybe they thought they were helping. Helping him study, helping him to know how to cope with the world out there e.t.c.
But, negative reinforcement is not a good thing. Yes, you may get results much more quickly but you will have to live with the consequences.
Positive reinforcement is the real deal.
This went against every fiber in my body but, I was just another visitor who obviously got tongue-tied. I have never gone back there for the whole duration of the high school term and I wouldn’t want to find myself in such a situation. I won’t be quiet this time! I think that’s just wrong and weird!
And, I will end up being labeled! I don’t want that!
You see? Posts like this one support self-esteem and touch the nerve of the parents! I understand the parents are human but, does that really excuse such behavior? There is just no way around anything! Sigh …
I call this a real dilemma!
Maybe that’s why people prefer silence. Maybe they see the bigger picture. Who knows!
I won’t give you the link because it will just crack your ribs if you have an idea of what is being talked about or you will really sulk. It depends with your philosophical pull. But, that article tore me to pieces (In a nice way). It cracked my ribs!  It revealed the thoughts hidden in our safe place but which are hard (okay, for most) to voice. And, I get it. If you say such words where these people flock, you won’t make it alive! Trust me.
Seriously, if something is bad, I don’t see the need to call it good unless, you are talking to a child. My motto: If you don’t have anything nice to say, be quiet instead. I know my blog is just the opposite! Seriously, I cannot compare it to Joel’s books. Perhaps, I should start now.  I can’t stop typing! I won’t tell you anything bad. I will type it! If it is personal, you will get an earful! And I won’t be sorry.
But, don’t ever think I will be your puppet! No way! I am built to voice my opinion. And, I will voice it! But, I also know that not every time is time to talk. There are times when silence really works well. Times when someone really wants to make a fool of their selves, time like that visiting I’ve just told you about, e.t.c.
I think any adult should take the good and leave the bad. What does not serve you should not bother you. Let’s call it a passing storm!
Actually, self-esteem is really good. You don’t have to please anyone. You are just you! I think more people should emulate this.
I like to see the good in everything. Yes, I could have sulked because I am in that group being pointed fingers at but, that article was an eye opener. It was real, unexpected and straight to the point.
I had to say this because I can come off as being perfect and very able to point out people’s mistakes. That is not so. I also have my mistakes and I regret them like you can’t believe!
But, I don’t dwell in my mistakes. I move on. Whatever needs to be set right is set right but at the right time not just haphazardly! Mistakes can be very good stepping stones if you let them. They can also be your downfall if you let them. Be wise.
What I need to learn, is the art of saying I am wrong even when I know I am right. That’s just hard!
I don’t get it. I doubt I ever will. I don’t please people nowadays. I do what I know is right for me.
Of course in my eyes, I am perfect! Mistakes and all!
Couples, advise me! I’m so surprised, I am not!

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