Saturday, October 4, 2014

Advantages …

Life is never fair. If it is, then I must be living on Pluto. Enlighten me. But, that does not mean you are excused. Not really. There is nothing good about excuses. Genuine as they are, nobody wants to hear them. That’s why your boss will always sneer at you when you try a lame line.
He’s an ******* or she’s a *****. Watch your words. They mean nothing If She/he knows what she’s/He’s doing.
Or don’t watch them. It’s your *** on the line. You’ll be fired alone.
Don’t start with the language because I taught you. The blame game, huh? Bring it on. You won’t win. I promise you. Not that I’m excused. Not really. But then again, who are you to judge?
You can get yourself out of any mess if you mean to. There is always a way…
Yeah, I know I’m a control freak. Up your game. (Iko  down) (Translation: Be better)
If you want to talk freely, employ yourself!!! If you can’t, it’s very okay with me, but you watch it. We call them advantages.

So now you understand "advantages".
Anyway, I have realized that no matter what you do, you are very important. Not everyone is a success in Business that’s why I am going back to school!!! I still like Business but I need extra skills. I am not competing with Zuckerberg. No!!! He’s set the bar high! Jesus!!! I will sell you the purest bacterial culture or something I like. I really hope you get it.

Back to advantages.
The problem with most of us is that we want to be liked by everyone. It is that important. Let me tell you, unless you are a celebrity wanting more fans, you are in for a rude shock.  Your passion will make a difference and you will become someone who can’t be ignored.  You want people to tell you that you are great at something, you are really good, you matter, you are whatever … advantages may intervene and you may not like it. There’s obviously an exception to the rule. Wow! So optimistic to think you are among these few.  Let’s get serious here …
It won’t cost you anything to live like you are part of the crew only to find out you are exceptional. No!!!
What would happen if you just lived your life and did not please people? They’d throw a fit,on but they’d soon calm down and get used to you unless what you do is not normal to human kind. No one will understand and you won’t be right. It will gnaw at you and make you wish you were never here. Your life will not be understood by those you want to understand you.
You won’t be missed. Period. You will be missed if you make people’s lives better. If not, why are you alive then? Its rhetorical.
Advantages are many. So many try to have advantages. Some cannot be gotten easily unless you die and some are just advantages.  Well, it’s possible to have advantages. Go get ‘em! Don’t include me in your quest. I won’t come. Yeah … it’s that bad!!!
Enough said.

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