Thursday, October 30, 2014

In the Spirit of Halloween

I am so thankful I get to share this picture. You have no idea how thankful I am! I never thought this day would ever come!
Now, this is a moment I won’t forget soon. It means the world to me …

If you thought I would start by wishing you a fantastic Halloween, you are dead wrong. I happen not to care about Halloween. Quite frankly, I see people celebrating with candy and it just surprises me. With all those pumpkins carved funny, spiders, their webs and skeletons… It couldn’t get any scarier. People should be eating mud. You know, to commemorate all those sad days of the year that they came through ...
It is like a glimpse of hell. But, I am sure these decorations cannot survive brimstone and those eerie hot things there we are made to believe they burn, but they won't kill you ...
Halloween looks unreal to me, but I don’t have a problem with the celebration. Those who find fun in it, indulge. It is like horror movies. How some people enjoy them beats me, but do your thing. I will never get it, but I won’t stand in your way.
Seriously, I just wanted to share that picture with you …
I think this post deserves to be in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest in this blog. How do those records work, anyway?
 This post ends here!

Month Ends …

Month ends are always associated with salaries by some … not that I have any problem.
For the working type, I am sure you are really looking forward to that long queue at the ATM. I understand other withdrawal methods are super expensive. How annoying!

(Sorry: I forgot to translate this caption. Here: when I look at my payslip versus the work I do, I feel like I can kill somebody)
For the business savvy kind, it is just another busy day with profits and losses. I am sure by now, this is normal.
For me, it is just another day I get to write a piece of my mind. I can’t wait to post tomorrow if I will be breathing and able. It is end month! This month ends with Halloween! What a creepy and fun day!
I wish those last statements gave me joy. They don’t. They just tell me that time waits for no man. I so wish time could wait for me. I have so many plans but they all have to be based on the time I have. That’s not good!
It is now that I am realizing how short life is. I wish I lived as long as a werewolf (I also wish they were real). I could do crazy things and many things with my long life. Instead, our lives have been reduced to a beautiful short story.
Anyway, probably eternity would have bored me to death. Maybe I’d appreciate having a short life. Who knows!
You know, sometimes we wish for the opposite of what we have and find out that it is not what we expected. Unfortunately, many people are not utilizing all their brain. I wish I didn’t have to say this but, I happen to be in this group. This sucks!
So, I guess it is up to me to do a lot before there comes the expiry date. By a lot, I want to achieve my dreams. Babies happen not to be part of the dreams I have. I guess, I know they’ll just come anyway. So, why dream about them? However, many people never achieve their dreams. I’d like to be part of the positive statistic. You know, be an achiever.
We are individuals and we really like to look at youngsters and imagine we are young again. Shock! It is never too late to achieve. But, why wait that long? What am I waiting for? (I have no idea!)
Now, I need to live long enough to see this year end. I am sick and tired of 2014. But, funny enough … this year has been an eye-opener. Well, not the way people think, but in some deep, profound way.
I guess, I see things so clearly than in the past until I want to wish away my earlier years. I can’t believe I was that naïve! Dear God!
Anyway, that is just a realization because I said bye to someone who was almost a century old.
I really hope that I didn’t misbehave while saying goodbye. I have an infectious bubbliness that even any death cannot conquer. That’s God. That can’t be my doing.
Maybe there is a reason. Okay, there is … I don’t know it.
I guess every cloud has a silver lining. I like to believe that I dwell on the silver lining and not on the cloud.
I have come to realize that our lives cannot be explained away. They are just too complex. Too bad, the naïve people only see the face value.
Seriously, I don’t want to be that naïve. I want to understand the deeper complexities of life. If that makes me different, okay.
By the way, my memory and hers cannot be compared. I blame the foods we eat today!
I don’t want to re-open a wound for some people, so I guess I’ll just stop there. It wouldn’t be fair to do so.
Anyway, life goes on.
Another month is here now ...

A Bit of Me, Myself and I …

This is really crazy. How do you send me a text saying hi then I hi you back, tell you that I don’t have a clue that the number I’ve just seen is new and what you can tell me is that you got a missed call from my number!
One word, lame!
You actually date? For real? How old are you?
If that’s your idea of a pick-up line, why don’t you try it on someone else. By the way, elementary school is a good place to start! And, if you are labelled a pedophile, that's on you. I didn't say you go there literally. Go to jail, alone!
I wanted to say younger woman but who told you every young woman is stupid? You are grossly mistaken if you think so.
Never underestimate anyone.

Yeah … stereotypes. Kinda true; but, not 100% true. There is much room for skeptism. There are exceptions to the rule. Actually, very many exceptions. I think flexibility is the norm of stereotypes.
In this fast changing world, you can’t argue by stereotyping. Leave that to our forefathers. It is really outdated. Old school is way better than outdated. Times have changed. So should you. Otherwise irrelevancy is you thing. Kudos.
(Seriously, don’t take this personally. Very many people are reading this). It has never been about one person, except two or three posts. I honestly don’t know and won’t count.
But I think it applies in some cases. Let me not discredit old beliefs. Some still hold true. Some, not all. Most old things are just hogwash if you re-introduce them today.
Talking of old school stuff, I don’t have a problem with it, but if you give me an old school kettle (shudder! They are coming back!), you won’t live to tell the story! And the worst thing is that people actually think they are cool! Jesus!
I like the fancy colors. Nothing else. I think an original is always better looking. Fakes are not. I consider these modern kettles to be fakes! But, time also factors in. For instance, you cannot treat a teenager today like he’s from 1900. C’mon!
These people are a different breed. They are sharp and enlightened and youth comes with stupidity (fact of life). 1900 should be painted in black and white. The lessons are real; the stuff belongs to 1900!
Anyway, let me pocket my reservations. Maybe they are good. Maybe I just don’t see their goodness.
But, personally, I would rather get a kettle that doesn’t scream “outdated”.
I own a vintage sleeping shirt. I hate it. I wear it because I have to. I can’t give it away because I seriously hate it. I’ll burn it. But I think it is way comfortable than most sleepwear when it is cold.
Cold or no cold, that’s a shirt I have to burn. If it had a trouser to match, I’d have died in my sleep!
So, vintage is good but it is not for me. Let those who can tolerate vintage do so. I don’t want to. I don’t think I will be able to but, as always, there is an exception to the rule. I have beef with kitchenware and a few other things. Not, everything.
There is good vintage, but I’m better off without it. Actually, everything just keeps repeating itself so it may be vintage all the way, but I think taste varies the choices. I have no problem seeing something I’d consider “revolting” on someone else. I know my taste does not dictate yours, but please don’t shove your individual taste down my throat. I’ll say no to your face! I won’t feel guilty. That’s just me.
I believe that if we don’t share the same tastes, we don’t think alike and we need to lead individual lives without interfering with each others’ tastes. In this way, everyone feels free to be herself and himself and comfort is what makes you and I tick.
Complicated, huh?
Welcome to my world.
Understanding anything is not a simple matter. Believe me.
But, there is something that’s really off when your age betrays how aged you are and you are acting like a teenager.
Respect your years.
Even if you don’t respect yourself, at least know that your generation is moving on to better things.
So women who copy their teenage daughters and grandfathers who are Dj’s ,style up!  If you jumped a stage, don’t gross people out by over-compensating! You are offering the younger generation a terrible example.
I don’t know what to expect from these youngsters. But, let me remain positive. That’s not my job to know. I’m taking on a higher power’s responsibility and it is mind numbing! He knows best!
As always, take the good in every age and in this post, and leave the bad.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Discover Yourself …

First, this blog was supposed to be up by yesterday. Unavoidable circumstances cropped up. There … move on. Feel free to ask me what went down. You will be sorry you asked, believe it! 

Now, after that sorry excuse, we move on…

There is something about being who you are. This is not an inspirational piece, but even if it were, so? I think you can really use some inspiration. Believe me when I say it really reeks of inspiration.

I think people reach a time in their lives when they offer no excuse for being themselves. They no longer care what others think and they want to better themselves. This brings joy.

Of course this comes with a price. Fortunately, the price looks trivial when compared to the result.
Discovering yourself is all about being a better you. Frankly, I’m yet to see someone who discovered he or she was not fit to be a him or a her. I am not talking about a gender reassignment change. I am talking of an entire overhaul. If you have any proof of realization that you are just not you, talk to me. It’s urgent!
Now, when people see you for the first time, they may write you off but it is upon you to embark on the journey of discovery. You need to reconcile with your inner self and find yourself. Only you can do that. No one else can. Not your spouse, parent, nobody!
But, a higher power can. Let me not talk much on this topic. Ask somebody in this profession. I can only speak for myself here.
Anyway, I read somewhere that someone is of the opinion that people go to the net to rant and rave about trivial things. I have a variety of questions for that guy. But, it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect me at all. People who have discovered their purpose in life do not get tremors because of such statements. While I don’t agree with everything I read, it opens you up to people’s thoughts. It helps you understand what is going on in a different sphere.
I have discovered that you cannot change people. You can only hope they change. Sometimes, they don’t. Sometimes, they do. Cliches are not true! But majority of clichés will make you have a bad day because it kinda has some truth. I have examined some clichés and I am unhappy to admit to some sort of truth. I don’t know which half that truth is!
Well’ maybe I do. I guess I just don’t care.
The harder you try to change people, the more they find you a nuisance and the more they won’t bend to your will. And, the more you will never get what you want. I have seen the truth to that.
Get close to such people and use their own language (not literally although literally would be good). Talk to them in a way they will listen. Say it only once. Don’t keep repeating things; you are wasting your saliva.
Don’t try too hard. Just enough to call it a try. Then be who you are and forget about people who bog you down. Dare to be different. Start with being bold. Then, you will discover who you are.
Discovery will never go with cowardice.
Be bold.

If people don’t hear you, move on. After all, it is their life. Live yours. Walk away from crap. Believe me, you don’t need it! It will just eat your joy. And you don’t want that.
Be free. Be you. Discover who you are and be the best at it because no one else can make another you!
I really hope you have discovered yourself. If not, please do so.
It is one happy step for you.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Minding Other People’s Business …

I know that people really love someone who minds his own business. However, minding other people’s business is acceptable, especially when those people need you. When they don’t need you, stick to your business please. No one needs you there! Your failure to appear will only show that people don’t matter to you and that’s not good!
Be there. Want to be there. There is no need of your sulky presence! No one needs more problems added to the ones already there. If you don’t want to be there, then do not blame people when they do not attend your functions. You brought it on yourself.
Not everyone will be your friend there, but that should not be your worry. You should know what is taking you there. Be involved in it. Remember, people will talk but, they’ll get other juicier things to keep them busy. Whether you are doing good or bad, people have to discuss it. The trick is to not give a hoot!
I think the biggest issue here is how people will see you. Why are you so concerned? Oh, I get it! Fear! Those people won’t live with you anyway. They will be with you for a time. Only you can tell what horrors you encounter in your life. Other people don’t know. Why are you trying so hard to please them?
I read a quote some time back that we struggle so much to please people we don’t know with money we don’t have! Ha! How true! What truth! This truth is witty!
Be free. It is your life. Live free of other people and their assumptions.
Why tie yourself to weird obligations you can’t meet?
You fear people will see you as a broke dude? So? Guess what! The wealthy do it that way, that’s why they can maintain their wealth. Call them names, they have a point.
By the way, people can misuse you. Know when to run!
But, don’t be mean. It is all about balance!
I am not saying that it is okay to be a pauper. I don’t think it is! Poverty happens to be a curse! I am saying that whatever little you have should be used with precaution. First things first, then the rest. I won’t go into motivational speeches! For Christ's sake, buy a book!
I have realized that delusions of grandeur mislead people. You come off as what you are not. It is annoying to the spectators and to you! Be careful about social media, too. It is really misleading! And, funny enough, people love to indulge in lies! I won‘t tell you that I pray for you (I’d be lying), but, I really want those lies to burn in hell. I guess, that’s why I am on my own! By the way, I really like it! Compared to being bogged down by a*****e, I’d take single anytime!
Believe me, it is so liberating!
Anyway, enough with the negative rant, I’m going to be a very blessed lady until it will overflow. The sacrifices I have to make are my biggest stumbling block! Happy? I am happy. I don’t need a person to make me happy. I got over living my life for people. I want to put me first. Others will follow or not care. Both options are very okay with me.
So next time you think about minding someone else's business, please make sure that your attention is needed. There are people who are so used to being on their own, they wouldn’t know concern if it sat on their face!
Be a snob. It is very okay, but, do know when to care. It is not optional. People need you to be there.
Unfortunately, you are not that independent! Know the difference between independence, dependence and interdependence!
In this case, teamwork is a thing!