I have been forced to write this post!!! Help!!! I’m trapped by blog readers!!! I’m
If you are looking for advice here, you are joking. I write
about stuff that happens on a daily basis (OK, not daily) through the eyes of real
and crazy and twisted. By the way I have a good buddy called that. Twisted. I
think the name is awesome.
Yes, there is advice here and there, but if I start to
advise you, you’ll die a painful death. I don’t do advice to strangers. Only
humor. Seriously, I’m not your
therapist. Live your life as you see fit. I also have issues that I don’t know
how to handle, but I find it amazing writing about them and finding my own
solutions. I can breathe. I can be
myself here. I can dissect issues as if I was in some sort of a lab. A writing
lab. Sometimes I say things as they are. Sometimes I don’t. All in all, the
eyes are yours. You choose what to read so that’s your problem.
If you find my blog weird, come we talk. Too late. The offer
has expired.
Whatever you decide to pick here, don’t blame me. Blame
yourself. Remember, you create your own destiny. I don’t do creation of
destinies. But I write what I am thinking. And my thinking is insane. If you
think like me, awesome. I like you already. But remember my mind is a
battlefield. There is serious crap going on in there. I bet yours is too. Anyway,
thank you for reading my blog anyway. I am thankful for that. Maybe someday
I’ll go solo. For now, I like this giant called Google. He’s made me see far.
You ask why I use “he”. Well, I’m a she and hardcore into
he’s. A he will use “she”. Whatever the case, I hope you get it. If you are
waiting for an explanation, you are way out of line. By the way I love women,
but I’m not a lesbian. I’ll never bash you. Not really. I am one. I am where I
am because of some great women in my life. That’s a fact.
Take it as you would a diary. You don’t agree with
everything but you read it anyway. It’s that simple. By the way you can justify
anything in this world. Still, wrongs are wrongs and rights are rights. That’s
the truth. So be your own judge in my blog mirror. I don’t know about you and I
don’t know what you have been through. But you need to laugh.
I want you to laugh. Seriously, do not attempt suicide. It
won’t solve your problems. It will leave people asking why you did it. I’d
rather you drug yourself and sleep those bad thoughts off. And if I find you
drugged I won’t help you. I will call the police. Drugs are not legal here.
I have a friend who’s been through a suicide and it is not
pretty. I could only give one thing to her. She was devastated. No, devastated
is an understatement. I don’t know what went through her mind, but I do pray
for her. It is what I can do or give. I can’t resurrect dead people. God can.
Sometimes life can be a challenge, but we do what we can and
forget the rest. I rest my case.
I know this is not funny. I don’t intend it to be. If you
want funny, other posts are full of it. But funny will always be part of my
Without laughter, life will become dull. If you have nothing
to laugh at, read my blog.
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