Friday, September 26, 2014

A Letter to Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey as Count Olaf in the 2004 film.
Jim Carrey as Count Olaf in the 2004 film. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hi Jim. You remind me of someone you cannot easily forget unless you are crazy. I must say you are hilarious. Frankly, I’ve never seen a more hilarious person. The funny ones just read scripts or maybe they are yet to be discovered.
I know you like the name Tom, a lot. In most jobs, you like being called Tom. Like Tom Ace or Tom Popper. I’m sure I’m not wrong.  But why Tom? Maybe a Tom did something for you that you cannot forget. Maybe. That’s a wild guess.
You know my friend thinks you are funny and I second that. I agree 100%. Jesus! TV has never seen a funnier soul and I doubt you are replaceable. Well, I know people will disagree with me but that’s fine. Honestly, they (actors and actresses) read from scripts and their lives aren’t ruined because they are hilarious.
And no, they don’t have it together. Not really. It is a problem with many people, me included. I should work on that (let’s make this aha! moment, a mental note).
Hands down, you are one funny person. TV can’t disagree with me because they know it to be true. I honestly don’t know your real life but I’d like to think you are phenomenal.
I get why you were divorced. I’m totally with you on this. No judgment coming from me because I’d do the same if I was in your wife’s position. I like to watch you be funny but I honestly cannot live with you under the same roof unless there is a partition of some sort whereby I don’t ever see you (usicatch). (Translation: Don’t get personal because of what I’ve said. Someone will ask me how you are supposed to take it. My answer: You never get personal, I know that but if you do, pretend it’s a bad dream.) Seriously, you never see the serious side of things. And that’s okay with me because I am a spectator and your fan.
Life can get seriously complicated. I get it. Don’t worry. We all go through that phase. You are not alone.
And no! I’m not advising you. It’s your life. Do whatever you see fit.
But thank you for being yourself. This world has enough fake people. Thank you for not making the pool bigger. (Yay! No cussing) I should buy myself a nice dinner somewhere special (mental note). Operation: progress!
I know “furious 6” is funny thanks to scripting but you are one of a kind. Oh! Don’t get me wrong, I had to see Vin in action. I like him. There are many funny movies, I know, but yours are downright funny. I think there is something unique in you that others can’t copy. And I have decided to be that. What cannot be copied. Myself.  By the way, thank you.
Names keep popping up in my head but it seems scripting is the big trick to humor. Know that you are unique. One in 7 billion. I don’t care whether funny has a price tag or not. It’s called a break for some reason.
Spielberg comes to my head. He never disappoints. But funny is not his strong suit. Anyway, he deserves a medal.
I bet you have no idea that you touch lives but you do. Don’t stop now.
Why is this post short? Its shortness has got nothing to do with the subject. Stop assuming.

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