Monday, November 17, 2014

The Bermuda Triangle: A Passage to a Better World?

Now, someone will dive in Bermuda because he or she believes that a better world waits there. Well, good luck to you. I’d rather the devil I know. The rest of that saying went with the birds. The devil here is this Godforsaken earth.
I understand that nobody comes out alive when they encounter The Bermuda Triangle. Well, I don’t doubt it because where I live, water flows uphill.
Yeah, physics dictates blah blah… but guess what, there are exceptions to the rule. A photo can’t convince you that I am not pulling your leg, but I will upload a photo anyway. If you want proof, pay the place a visit.  This is domestic tourism at its best. By the way, this point of insanity exists in a very dangerous area on the road. You can easily become something else, as you watch. For example, toast. But, drivers have been warned to go slow when they reach this place. If you meet a lunatic driving past the speed limit, too bad. I guess it is just bad luck.
Let me not pique your curiosity. You might just decide to visit. I am not into advertising anything.
You can also watch videos on YouTube if you are into videos. I will give you the video link.

The video link:
By the way, if you put a car in a free gear when going uphill, you can almost fly. This is so beautiful! Space pales in comparison. I told you unique things are just the best. Mediocre things are so mediocre, no one cares. Stranger than fiction cannot be mediocre in any way.
Try a free gear when going downhill! A lorry full of stuff is really fast on the slow lane. It is like fighting gravity. You just can’t win!
This county is joking. Who is responsible for domestic and international tourism? He or she is sleeping on the job. We (I have no idea who “we” is supposed to mean) are losing revenue. If I saw that revenue, I’d say “we” without blinking. The country is losing revenue. I am part of this country. Yes. I just can’t explain what revenue really does. I have started seeing development with this Governor. Maybe he has plans for this spot. Actually, it is most likely. He’s a sharp man unlike the Senator. I guess there are two sides to a coin. You just have to take the good with the bad.
I understand there is a cave in the Menengai crater with such phenomena. I am so excited. I must visit this place. The Menengai crater is also in Kenya. Nakuru County to be precise. I should pack my camping gear. This place reeks of adventure.
If you still doubt, why not experiment on Bermuda triangle? You are going to be part of the proof because I am not jumping there soon. Although, I am so curious! Hurry up jumping. You are my hero. I could have tied a camera on your torso or whatever body part that gets to be dipped in those murky waters but, I understand electromagnetic waves don’t work in the Bermuda Triangle. So, a camera is useless. That is why geographical channels have nothing to show on the Bermuda Triangle.
I think there are places in this world that are out of this world! Funny, we don’t have a discipline dedicated to places like Bermuda. If such disciplines exist, I am sure they are more theoretical than practical.
People try to blame Methane Hydrates but I say, accept it. The place has paranormal activity that cannot be methane-induced. So, what of planes? And cameras? Jesus! Are you listening to yourself?
I understand planes chart their way across the skies while avoiding the Bermuda Triangle. Ships also don’t go there. So, you and your little joke of a vessel would rather follow the rest of the bigger vessels. Oh! It is a yacht! Good luck to your yacht. Good luck to you too. You will need it, trust me.
Other than good luck, you will need to be drunk for this job. In this way, you might actually have nothing to lose. If you go sober, make sure you have the nerves of steel. Go knowing you may not come back. Actually, the probability of not coming back is 99% guaranteed. Get life assurance before you take a leap into those uncertain depths. Your kids need it. If you tell the insurance companies about your little trip, they will not insure you. If you doubt it, try it.
So, for the faith-filled souls that believe Bermuda is a passage to a better world. Why not love us enough to tell us what lies beyond those waters? I mean, people have cheated death. I am sure the Bermuda Triangle can do with such daring souls!  I think keeping information on the Bermuda Triangle is just mean.
For those who study extraterrestrial stuff, you haven’t exhausted the planet earth. We need answers on the Bermuda Triangle! Our curiosity got piqued a long time ago and we want to relax now. Help us.
I have a few questions: What lies there? What happens when you dive there? Are there rocks at the bottom that kill you? Is there a secret passage to another world? Can humans survive in that new world if it is really there? Where did you get your steely nerves? I want in.
No wonder the Bermuda Triangle is called the Devil’s triangle!
It really reeks of the devil!
Of course the Government will deny. They say it is a mystery that has been exaggerated. Deny, deny, deny is their motto when it comes to stranger than fiction tales. Try explaining the water defying gravity!

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