Friday, November 7, 2014


Destination: Imagination
Destination: Imagination (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(For lack of a better picture, this one will do. I can't seem to update anything without a photo ...)

After the last post, I have no idea if I am funny anymore! It is like dementors sucked the hilarity out of me. Anyway, just kidding. I know for a fact that I can die if I met such things, imaginary or not. Thank God they don’t exist. I’d rather deal with non-existent stuff like werewolves and vampires and dragons given a choice. Ok, maybe I am sick to wish so bad.
I have a thing for strangeness. I doubt if I will change anytime soon. I find it unique and thrilling. But, sometimes common is good. Everyday needs common not strange. You know, strange really makes people stare and that’s a sure recipe for seeking attention. They stare because they don’t get it. But, if you are happy doing strange stuff, go ahead. After all, it is your life. Just don’t call obnoxious strange. That’s just lame. Go ahead and be strange but don’t step on people’s toes while at it.
I think J.K R is just gifted. I can’t even begin to describe the gift. That reminds me, I have to re-watch “The Gift”. Why those words are in those things (pardon my forgetting. I am sleepy as hell), I have no idea. It just looks right. I want to say semi-colon, but that’s not right. Apostrophe? Nah … Imagine, I cannot remember what those things are called.
Oh, well … I will remember with time. I don’t see why I should kill myself trying to remember! It won’t help me anyway … and that’s a big lie because those things are already bugging me! What is their name!
As I try to remember, I can save time by writing something. The name will dawn on me at a very bad time. A time when such a name will be moot.
I believe imagination is everything. It is the beginning of new ideas and new everything. Maybe that is why I have a serious problem with vintage. There is no imagination whatsoever! That imagination has been recycled until it has become dull. Where is the life?
Unfortunately, when imagination outlives its usefulness, it becomes a dull experience. Is it me, or is this true?
Nothing lasts forever. This is both good and bad. Good for the vices, bad for the virtues. Bad for imagination! But, as long as rekindling exists I think we can survive.  The future generation can. The human race is hardy. It has survived plague, Hitler, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Aids, e.t.c.  It will survive Ebola. That’s just a passing storm.
Anyway, I do not want to survive. I want to live. I can read about survival stories on the net while living. Yeah, that looks selfish ,but I think I’ve had my fair share of storms. Let others battle out the rest. Storms come in various degrees. I can do 1° on a scale of 100°.
Back to Imagination.
Imagination has never let anyone down. Of course, people will laugh when they first encounter an idea that looks stupid, but they later adopt it line, hook and sinker. Seriously, if those terrible fashion ideas make it to the runway, awesome ideas have to make it to heaven.

I am not saying that the runway has crappy ideas (don’t get me wrong). Some ideas are just out of this world. I believe there is serious talent in some people who never made it in Heidi’s show. Jesus! I can’t even compete there! I don’t have that designer talent. I can collapse from the choosing of the material.
Just let those people be! I’m content to admire the finished product. Call it imagination. Those people imagined a finished product that really rocked. I couldn’t imagine the material, the weird drawings, the tucks and nicks and anything that went into the finished product. I just admired the end product.
But, a lot went into whatever end product. Maybe that’s why handmade things are so costly. Anything from a factory is quite affordable. I mean, the assembly line has made production so simple. But, if you follow the chain of assembly, you will find that the designer is very important. These factories know the value of these people. Factories that don’t know, don’t last very long. I mean, I can’t buy a hideous product. I bet you can’t too. You will feel wasted!
That is the reason best sellers work on the outward appearance. It is called a best seller for a reason. That should tell you that talent alone works for a time. You have to top dress it. Make it look good. If Kenyan athletes don’t style up soon, they will be running down Bomet Hills!
Styling up means you wear athletic shoes, athletic clothes, athletic everything … I think I saw someone run once on bare feet. That’s a joke! Total lack of imagination. Given a choice, that person would have ran naked!
I am not picking on athletes. That’s just how the world works. It is not fair, but I doubt the world knows what fair is.
Let me talk about something else that Kiyosaki mentioned. Books! You can be a talented author but if you never make your book a best seller, don’t expect people to buy your book in large numbers. I think there is a point here. But chasing the coin is just a futile exercise. There is more to life than this. However you look at it, life is dynamic.
Very dynamic.
Use your imagination. It is also dynamic just like life is dynamic!
Quotation marks! I told you I’ll remember the name when it is just moot!

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