Now, what to say …
I’m so blank it hurts and what is in my mind is too personal
to say.
Oh, well … maybe another time … (unspecified time lapse)
Oh, yeah … now I can type …
Have you ever had that person who crowds your space? It is like
everywhere you turn, they want in. I don’t know if you understand me, but you
need time alone and this person or people do not get that. In most cases, you
try to please such people so that you can have your peace. Now, I get why so
many people would rather please others. Not that it is good. I think it is
crazy. Anyway, that’s me.
Unfortunately, I am the exact opposite. I will tell you to
go to hell and do what toots my horn. (I think I am bad news! Or maybe I am bitter
at someone or some people. Who knows?)
I do not intend to push people away, but this attention is
killing me. Or am I delusional? It is not faking anything when I say I hate
attention, rather it is annoying. Nowadays I just pray I never have visitors,
but, what a futile thing! Visitors are good. I mean it. I just wish they came
to see someone else not me! The masses
just keep coming. I don’t know what to do now. I believe my close friends are
my world. Anyone else, ride on the friendship wave at your own peril.
Don’t blame me if you hit a wall. It was never my doing!
I feel like I am suffocating and I don’t like it. I need
space … especially from strangers! Jesus!
The problem with such attention is that when you live your
life, people want to weigh in and take control of your actions. When you
deviate from the norm, it is like a floodlight of sorts is shining on you. One
small misstep and everyone notices. I miss the good ole’ days of vagueness. You
are part of the crowd and nothing shines on you. Mistakes or not, no one cares.
I didn’t know I had a rare privilege of being among the huge
crowd. I deeply regret this “all eyes on you” thing. Unfortunately, I am not
perfect. And strangers don’t get that. Trying to explain it to them is looking
for sorrow. And, mark my words, I won’t
try to explain. Being imperfect is so good. Why would anyone need perfection?
Only God is perfect in my world. I really like that disparity.
You know, even following the rules of man is not perfection.
No!!! Just because you don’t do drugs, e.t.c. does not make you perfect.
I’m so confused, dear Lord! I need clarity ASAP! Or am I
over thinking this?
Yeah, I know God says that we become perfect, but let’s face
it, we try and fail miserably. Or is it just me? I need prayers! (Maybe I
should singularize that first sentence of this paragraph)
Please don’t think this is doubt. I think I have faith. I
don’t know if it is alive or dead!
But, there is a huge difference in someone who tries. I’ve
seen it with my own eyes. People who don’t care (like me) are a danger. That’s
why I don’t get all this fuss. I’m not good. Why won’t people see that?
You know, I’m no celebrity. I don’t want to be. I mean, what
for? Fame is just trouble. I don’t star
in anything and I hope never to unless it is based on intellect and not some
fancy thing. I believe it just brings all the wrong attention unless you work
in Hollywood. Hollywood has a tendency to bring you good attention and bad
attention in the tabloids. But maybe the cash solves all those attention
problems. Who knows?
But, when I look at
those people, I see bravery. I see courage against all those flashing cameras
and videos. Lupita Nyong’o has serious courage! Of course, there are many
others, but I guess their lives are their own. Their lives matter less to me.
I mean, I love their achievements, but I don’t care about
the people to cause me sleepless nights. (I hope I’m not being rude here. I’m
just minding my own business!)
I like the style of these famous but hidden people. You
rarely get any news about them unless you Google (Google knows stuff!) I like
it better when I am just another person in a crowd. I mean, I can get away with
“Careful” has never existed in my dictionary of words. I’m
just careless ( or is it reckless) and I like it that way. But, make no mistake, if you lose your keys because of carelessness, I won't understand. I am not talking about that type of careless. Anyway, I guess I won’t force anything
because the anything becomes worse!
How politicians make it (with all those lies), I have no
I think these people have a talent of sorts! Crazy is my
definition of them. Don’t go there if you don’t have talent! It is like
throwing your entire self under the bus!
I guess, I’ll just be myself. Force nothing and let things
be. Whether I like it or not, I’ll just be quiet and smile.
I don’t need issues
on top of what I have. God, no!!!
One word, exhausting!!!
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