Friday, March 28, 2014

Right Now Random Thoughts …

Computer art
Computer art (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One …
What is usually off with people this last week of the month? Is it being broke? I have noticed people tend to be stressed with life a little bit more than other times of the month.
Recently I had an appointment with my physiotherapist and the mood there was somber dull, God. Those people need to be paid. I asked my doc there what was up and the reply I got was hilarious. “Pressures of life”
Oh! I understand its occupational therapy not physiotherapy. I’ll Google the difference later …
I mean, look around you. The stress seems multiplied … People are not as happy as they usually are … why? Does money really dictate our lives that much? You mean you can’t be happy unless you’ve been paid your end month dues? Wow!
I do worry if there are bills to be paid and I am broke but I have realized its money management that’s usually the biggest problem. I am dealing with mine.  Once you solve that, you should be okay. And pay your tithes for God’s sake. It’s such a simple task yet so hard for most of us … I pay mine. I started recently. I must say it’s looking good so far.
Call me a critic. You’re right. I am. But I am just analyzing life as it is. No hard feelings attached to my criticism. I like to think before my thinking gets fried … You know the life is short; enjoy every moment theory… I happen to subscribe to it… I’m tempted to give “theory” a bad word but nah … not today …
Money is powerful … Good management is more powerful …

Two …

I have realized that no matter how hard you try to be nice to people, there will always be someone who sees what you do in negative light. So why waste your time explaining anything? Going about your business normally, posting your normal stuff on your social wall, trying everyday to be yourself and living your life the best way you know will somehow translate into a thorn in someone’s world. My advice? If you know your intentions are pure and you are just being you, other people’s words are none of your business. Be you and be happy about it. If your intentions aren’t, then you need to fix yourself.
Live free, carry on …

Three …
Do you have something that’s bothering you? What is the root cause? Unless you fix it from the root, it will always mutate into something else and present itself as a different problem every time or a more complicated similar problem … Attack it from the roots and you will soon get rid of it.

Four …
Being positive helps. I was told I complain too much. It’s true. I know where I got that trait from but I won’t get into the details. Not important. What’s important is that I be rid of it. Any gentle suggestions are highly welcome … keep the harsh ones  to yourself …

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Who Killed Chivalry and its female version? …

Ever had that friend who for reasons known to the heavens becomes a real pain every once in a while? The gossiping in bad taste, always seeing people in bad light and trying to distort the truth? A cycle of madness maybe? Maybe …
I have realized that you need to understand people in order to live with them. That is why you cannot get along with everyone every time. And it is very okay. No need to kill yourself with worry. You wonder what happens to people occasionally. Learn the weaknesses and faults of people and avoid pitfalls.  See whether you can cope, ignore or walk away. Don’t try to reason it out. You will die of mind cancer. In fact, the weakness should only serve to make you a better person. I think studying people is just interesting …
You make someone insecure so she lashes out with the occasional attack on you that you have no control over just to console her dear self. When you see someone want to make you feel inferior, understand. The person has a need to feel superior because to her, you are what she dreams to become or it’s out of pure malice … whether that person admits it or not is irrelevant. It’s pure psychology. Stay far from such people. They are like clouds, when they go away, it’s a bright day.
The attack on how you look shows insecurity in someone. Maybe that person has issues with her body and she shows it through attacking yours. I have seen it with ladies especially. Men just live. They don’t care. If you find one that does, he’s so gay! If you ever hear a guy point out that his arms are huge, run! That’s a girl thing. Men will go to tone something in the gym and grow some abs. Maybe. But bicker? No no! Men are problem solvers not “another version of ladies”. Maybe that is why many ladies like male friends more. No issues.
Anyway, don’t let someone get away with some statements if you value yourself but be wise too and know when to just let it go and let those people stew in their insecurities. It also feels good to ignore petty people.
One time I blasted a friend of mine for attacking my boobs. You know those bad comments that people make without realizing they might hurt your feelings. But the article is not about her lest you jump into your own sad conclusions. She’s a darling. I am trying to emphasize a point.
I realize now that I was sensitive then, perhaps very sensitive. I am no longer that sensitive. That part of me died. And I’m happy it did because it used to make life difficult for me. Nowadays I am care free and if I care about what you just blurted in bad taste, I will put you in your place. Most times, I say what is on my mind. A girl gotta defend herself from those would be tasteless jokes. But if there is a school for sensitivity, I think it would be of help to people who are a little too sensitive for life. Oh! There is! The school is called meditation I think. Its helped me and I think you can benefit too.
So, what happened to being gentlemen and ladies anywhere not just in the malls? I guess that one reason I hate market places. I find people there uncivilized and uncouth. People with little respect for grace and poise and all those nice things that go with a civilized society. You may think its pretense. Well, for some it is while to others, a way of life. But you can always tell a poser from the real thing. And we are not talking about VIP parties and social functions here. Get this. It’s about carrying yourself like a respectable human being despite your social level. Allow me to say this because it’s obvious money got into people’s heads and there is nothing you can do about that! Thank God for educated business people. They really define the difference. Well, most not all ... some just got educated by luck because education was getting into the brain through one ear and out the other one. I think the little education got trapped somewhere between the two ears!
I don’t know who told people that some things belong to a certain class. I’ve never heard of anyone buying grace. Poise too. So it’s not about money really. On the contrary! I think people just don’t want to be responsible and considerate. Being polite, treating people with respect and minding your own business is the least you could do in a world with 7 billion people.  And don’t stare too. I am trying to show you why I’d rather pay more for a service if I can afford it at a place with friendly ambiance, than go haggle the same in a place full of people who have no idea what chivalry is so that I save. I do not save at the expense of getting insulted.  And I am not talking of pride. There is a difference please.
Call it what you want. My motive tells it all. The era of pleasing people in my life died and however harshly you want to judge me, I am trying to find a place in life where I fit with people who understand where I am coming from. If you do not understand me, then I guess you do not fit in my world. But this is not to say we won’t interact. It’s just that we may never see a situation in the same way. And agreeing to disagree is fine with me.
This is very okay. There are many ways of seeing a situation. It just depends with your philosophical bend and maybe, just maybe I happen not to subscribe to the same school of thought …

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Business ...

I have tried my hand in business. I must say I LOVE IT! Why? Not because I make huge profits but the thrill of having an ongoing project is simply amazing.
I consider it a success when something I initiated is running despite the challenges.
The challenges are many. People refuse with your money. Others are so jealous it hurts. Jealous of you for no good reason ... you may not be making much but there are people who just feel "ouchy" you are alive and breathing. Others see you as bad competition. Others are just insecure you're around.
I say its the attitude that matters.
I keep my stuff to myself. I do not like to show off. I like to pride myself in what goals I have achieved. I do not like to compare although sometimes I may get frustrated I am not realizing my goals. It happens to the best of us.
I like to plan. Live in such a way that I can say I have achieved something that day.
I like to be positive although my physiotherapist thinks I complain too much. He says that I have too many "I can'ts".   
Its because some exercises I am currently on are haaaard! Oh My God! Haaard as hell! You know its one  thing to remind your muscles that they used to work like this. And then its another for someone to not understand that the very simple thing that comes naturally to them is math to you. Its like being told to use your third hand. How do you even start to feel that imaginary hand?
I never understood physiotherapy until I got there. But hey! It works!!!!
Medicine and its wonders! I had almost given up. Was almost going for acupuncture. The fear of pain put me off. Why would I inflict pain to my body if I can avoid it? Acupuncuture will have to wait ... maybe forever ... So would tattoos. I love how some look amazing but why would I have my body burnt by that pen just for a tat? I wish I were that crazy in real life. Frankly, my daughter will have an easy going mum. The dad will be the deciding factor to many don'ts in her life. I guess its coz my dad is a free styler now, no issues .. People change, well, when they want to (maybe I am the one who changed)... in the past it was so hard to understand him ... Now we are the best of friends ...
Anyway, business ...
I like to work with people but I am short-tempered and blunt. So blunt it hurts ... This is not so good in business ... it proves costly to me because I have to hire PR. I call it help ... That's why I want a passive business ... As in shares, stocks, bonds and any new ideas of investing and doing business without interacting with customers. Clearly, I'm no good on this front ... and I'm not gonna try. Just be myself ...