When you have a man who loves the Lord and loves you next, the need to hit back, the need to be bitter, the need to show how tough you are, all that becomes trivial ... God fights your battles. Trust Him. He ain't nobody. That man atatii.
That is the way to go. You do not have to emasculate him, tear him apart or get mad. Let God handle it.
It sounds stupid but it works awesomely. If God is not your number one, this method will really backfire. Priorities here mean alot. That's why so many people's marriage is a mess. If you don't believe me, check social media. So many complaints! You can imagine death to be better than marriage. The first thing that comes to mind is that marriage is pathetic.
But, marriage works. It only works with God. Just because so many people propagate a negative ruse, does not mean that that's your story. It was God's idea to make marriage, if you keep Him out of it, how do you expect it to work?
This reminds me of people who don't believe dreams come true. Theirs, obviously, never came true. The question is : How do you expect God given dreams to come true if you keep shutting Him out?
It is official, anything God agrees with, man cannot make it work without Him. Dreams, marriage: you name it...
Many people do not want to lose control of the situation but let me ask you one sensible question: If you believe that God created you, what makes you think He cannot deal with your problems?
Unless you do not believe in God, this logic should make sense to you. If you do not believe in God, do yourself a favor and stop reading right now!
The funny thing is: All men expect this. Which worldly woman will treat you this way? Most guys do not have a flawless record yet they expect perfection in a woman. Absurd!!!
You attract what you are. Previously, I said otherwise. I was wrong. You attract what you are.
No wonder stooges, door mats and punching bags are actually a thing. If you do this for a guy who doesn't love you , expect to be any of the above.
God is love. This ain't love!
I wanted to say saved but I have seen saved guys divorce, have side dishes, just crap. The thing here is, if a guy claims salvation, he must have the Holy Spirit. By the way, not everyone with the Holy Spirit can be your soul mate. The deep has to call the deep. That cannot be faked. Way to nail a guy! 😀😀😀
If this looks cruel, remember you are in marriage all your life!
I have seen two people live awesomely. They loved one another. That is the thing.
Love here is the thing. God is love. You cannot say this in any other way. I do not know how to emphasize this. This is the secret to a working marriage.
When you are in a working marriage, you won't be among the whiners.
With God, dreams and perfect marriages are possible. Let the unbelievers not convince you otherwise.
When you feel you have to fight to get your way and you make sense, even God agrees, walk away. That's a joke you are dating. This is meant for unmarried folks.
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