(Do not confuse this picture with that of Nokia. But, the hands are both big so ...)
You know, it really feels good to know that you are loved.
Pastor was right. And not just by one person, many! This competition is so good
I bet many of you know what I am talking about. I am just finding out! I am so
But, those people who say love makes the world go round were
a bit overenthusiastic. Anyway, knock yourself out if you think it does. No one’s
stopping you.
But, looking back, I think I’ve had abounding grace. The
last few years have not been easy. But, somehow, I have managed. Don’t ask me
how! I seriously don’t know! But, now that I know this, I think it is time I
made few changes in my life. Of course, positive ones.
First, I need you to not want to know the changes. They are
subtle but they have such a ripple effect it astounds me. Your need to know is
quizzical. Ask yourself, why? What for?
I need to accommodate people in my life and this means that
I have to put up with a lot of crap! I need grace for this because I am a no-nonsense
type of person and I do not mince words when I am not happy. Well, I’ve just
found out that I should tolerate quirks. All of them: the good, the bad and the
ugly. I have decided that I won’t say anything. I will post it on my blog and I
won’t mention names, as usual.
If this sounds like a raw deal, remember I have fought
monsters. (Not actual monsters. Do they even exist?) Take it or leave it.
I cannot swallow crap just because I will hurt your feelings
and bottle mine up. And guess what? My blog allows me that luxury. Luxury of
being me. A free soul. I am not a second class citizen and I will not allow
anyone to treat me like so. I have to let out smoke somewhere. No, I don’t
smoke at all. If you do, please keep me out of your little habit. I have my own
to deal with. When I grow tired dealing
with the burn unit, I will shut down this blog. Actually no! I will only shut
down this blog if I die and I have time to shut it down. Will I miss it? Maybe,
maybe not! Ask me then! I most certainly will have an answer.
Death, I have realized is part of human life. I do not fear
it. It comes when it wants, so it is not like you have plans. Even the
assurance people know that. It is just
that I want to die in my sleep. I don’t want a dramatic exit. I mean, what for?
It is the drama that makes the remaining live people to go mental. Those people
that exit without being melodramatic are just the best.
So, if my words cut your soul, I mean well and I just
happened to give you a glimpse of the battlefield which is on my mind. By the
way, I am not exempted from these words. I toe the line, if I cross it. I also
want to be better than what I am so, rejoice. We are in the boat together!
I wish I can say I obey all rules. I don’t. But, I camouflage
my rule breaking until it looks good. I will do my best to avoid any court of
law from holding me in contempt. But, my flaws are many. Counting them is like
counting sand on the beach. But, I fear hurting those close to me. And that is why;
I will apologize the minute you complain. If you don’t like apologies, too bad.
Remember you are not God.
An apology is the best I can offer. Take it, or leave it. It’s
a raw deal (according to some. I may not agree. Let’s just agree to disagree) but
I just have to deal you because I believe in the Lord’s Prayer.
Away with the self conscious crap, it is very good to
believe in you. The normal you. I have seen it happen in my life (This is a
very good example). If you are yet to see it in yours, wait for it. Impatient
as you are, wait.
You know what is so good here, I have no idea what is
happening to you and I know this will impact on you positively. I am so pleased
with myself right now. At least I do not sound like I have put a target on your
back. I really haven’t.
I won’t gain anything by doing away with you. If there is
nothing to gain, I still want you to read my thoughts. It is not about gains!
So, what are you waiting for? Be the best that you can be
with or without other people interfering. I included.
Who cares what they think anyway? But, even with the don’t-care
attitude, choose to be considerate. Consideration is very important. For real!
Remember what I reported about real freedom? If you think
you are free and you do not consider others, you lie to yourself.
I don’t mean you consider abnormality. That belongs in a
psychiatry ward or room! At this stage, I’d highly recommend brain usage. I am
sure everyone has one. Totally sure.
Unless, there is a medical miracle I am yet to come across.
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