Monday, July 7, 2014

Let Me Encourage You My Friend, Or Stranger or Whatever You Want to Call Yourself …

English: Sculpture "Bemoediging" (En...
English: Sculpture "Bemoediging" (Encouragement) on the church square in Diepenveen, the Netherlands, memorial for the former nunnery. Nederlands: Beeld "Bemoediging" op het Kerkplein in Diepenveen, als herinnering aan het vroegere vrouwenklooster. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have a cousin I love to bits who likes to use the phrase “my friend”. When he puts that phrase in a sentence that is meant to address you; if you have a sharp sense of humor you will have a good laugh. Too bad if you don’t have a sense of humor: I don’t know how to console you. I really don’t.
You know the past few days have been an eye opener. I’ve had the privilege of visiting people through networking and have met one special case that makes me count my blessings and feel very ashamed of thinking I’m sickly.
I’m going to be okay soon. That’s given.
There are people out there with challenges. Seriously life can be bliss in one moment and turn gloomy the next. But take heart, problems don’t last forever. Unless you want them to. Always know that there is someone out there having it rougher than you are. You are never alone, in misery or joy.
I have realized there are people forced to pick up the pieces of their lives when they have aged. I don’t want to imagine how it’s like but it’s not something I’d wish on any of my friends. I’ve seen what it does to people and it’s not pretty.
I don’t want to give any gloomy scenarios but faith helps people cope with such experiences. They say life will break you and I wish I can say it’s not true. You just need something to hold on to at such times. If you have nothing, then you are poor: seriously poor… And no, it’s not material wealth I’m talking about.
Let me give you a lifeline here by saying: Everyone goes through misery but no one deserves it. No matter what may be troubling you, even if it looks bigger than a quagmire, you will get over it. Of course there are situations that are not easy but believe me; they will not break you if you get the right attitude.
Then I also realized that people tend to compare their lives with others. This is one hell of a mistake. If you do this you are joking with life. Do not put yourself in a scale which will bring you pride or prejudice. Let me borrow that phrase from one classic I’ve read recently. No wonder it’s a favorite of several classic lovers. A great read indeed. I must say I do not like Amy Farrah Fowler’s taste but this is an exception.
Well the last line must mix you up if you have no clue of what I like but don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll catch up… if you want to … just use Google okay?
So count your blessings and forget about situations that you can do nothing about. Stop playing God. Be still and let Him play his part. Whatever your faith, this applies to you. I may not believe what you do but I hope you are always positive no matter the situation. We love to think we have things under control. How we lie to ourselves. Anyway, I’m not planning to be another Robin Sharma or Joel Osteen but I hope I’ve put a smile on your face.
Now I’m hoping to visit a refugee camp soon. Kakuma camp I hope. I just hope Alshabaab will be fund-less that whole time. I can’t imagine those people pointing guns at me. I think I’ll die before they start shooting.  
Danger happens to fuel me with adrenaline –let me add that the danger I’m talking about is that which I have gone looking for-but I always hope to come out unscathed. I can’t wait to go bungee jumping and sky diving. I hope to dive in the sea one day. I also hope the sharks and any dangerous sea things will be on holiday that whole time I’m in the water. I hope that slides off you if you feel offended by my words. Let me apologize for those jokes if they hurt you.