Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Books ...

I love books. Ebooks and print. Hardbacks or paperbacks, as long as they are books, I love them ... I may choose some over others but if I find an interesting read, I get addicted. Too bad you can't finish reading every book on the planet. I think then, life would be so much easier to really... and I mean, really understand.
Books make you understand the people and the world ... Since you can't live everywhere, books help you live everywhere ...
You get to have new experiences at the comfort of your sofa ... Its like music, you get to live as a different person and delve into your own world. I don't know if everyone feels like I do but Its orgasmic ...
Its my cocaine, my adrenaline, my addiction.
I have never been on drugs, infact I have never set eyes on real drugs but if how I feel when I'm high feels the same to those guys, then I can totally relate ... only that my addiction has never killed anyone ...
Now, there are those of us who love movies ... I do too ... but if we were to compare "Harry Porter or Lord of the Rings" the books and the movies ... You'd see where the movies fail to capture the actual story ...
I'm a microbiologist by profession ... Have worked in  a lab then got sucked into agriculture... which I find boring to say the least but I aim to work in a high end lab where I get  to toy with Bacteria and Viruses ... Its my passion ... That's why starting today,I wanna start my own Microbiology Book collection, preferrably Print.
I've realised that you can waste your life doing something that just doesn't work for you ... The  problem with most of us, is that we are too scared to leave our comfort zones ... Life is an adventure really and as Steve Jobbs puts it, find your passion and you'll never work a day your whole life ... Books? How do they come in here? They helped me find out what I was passionate about ...
I wanted to be a doctor so bad but I realized that the part of talking to patients is not very thrilling especially when breaking bad news ... I'd rather be a researcher ... the person behind the trials...

Er... Change of plans : Medicine rules for me, microbiology is just an added advantage. It was 2014 when I wrote this, now 2016 and I don't think I am changing my dream job anytime soon. That was fear talking, this right now, is courage. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Real Friends ...

People will almost always be your friends especially when you are doing well. Because of the shallowness of humans, they want to associate with you when you are okay then abandon you at the time of need especially when those friends are really not friends ...
The funny thing with life is that everyone has their ups and downs and however wealthy you may be, you will need to lean on people at times. No man is an Island.
That is why we are told to choose friends wisely. There are those who are there to enjoy our misery, there are those who find us as competition and there are those who genuinely care.

The Competitors ...

These are the friends who feel threatened by our successes. They feel jealous. The are afraid that they won't meet with your success level. It terrifies them and they get so jealous they want to sabotage any successful project that you have. Such people need space. You are not running away from them by giving them space. You are shutting them out. Why? You need a positive environment to thrive  and these people just make it impossible for your environment to be conducive. Stay away from such people. You have nothing to prove to them. They're just desperate to prove something to themselves. Why should you care what they have to prove?

Those That Enjoy our Misery ...

If you have such a pal, run!
Truth is, that's a person who derives pleasure from your pain. Its psychotic behavior and there's nothing you'll ever do to win their approval. Don't even try to win it!
Such people have had it rough in life. They think everyone has to go through hell in order to get to where they are if they are doing well ...
They are the people who expect life to be fair when it never is and get personal when the bad luck turns on their door rather than yours ...

Those That Genuinely Care ...

How rare are these gems. You have to dig through mud to get to them. They come when we least expect them and they may come so simply and subtly you can almost miss them. They say be careful that you don't miss a diamond when looking through rocks which are worthless. Anyone who sticks by you when you are down in the dumps is worth a chance. You just need to be still and watch. Sometimes, patience is all that's needed to sort out real friends from the rest ...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cats ...

Oh My God ... I don't think I love anything in this world than cats ... those creatures were just created to make me happy ... Yeah, I believe in impossibles such as creation stories ...
Right now I am looking for one and believe me I couldn't live without one ... They are so sweet ... and pretentious and soft and sometimes weird ... oh and very lazy ...which makes it even a better combination ...
If it were a man with such traits, I'd kick him out but its a cat ... the epitome of indifference.
The way they lick themselves is just funny especially when they choke on the fur or better yet, leave a part of their tongue hanging as they stare elsewhere at something before they go back to licking themselves ...
And then when they are hungry, they can totally disorganize your thoughts with the constant mewing ... you just bite your tongue at this point and get the damn milk or food ... but she'll follow you around like a god ... awesome ... amidst the annoying mewing ...

Whenever you feel out of sorts or stressed, just pet your cat and its like the stress goes away... the creatures have big lungs that are so loud when you pet them its so healing to me ... I love that noise.
They are so private, the pooping is done in a civilized manner unlike dogs which never seem to care where they drop theirs ... unless you lock them where they can't bury their poop which by the way, stinks so bad ...
As per microbiology, cat poop is one of the most potent on earth so maybe it needs to remain buried so that we can be safe ...
Away from a course I love so much, cats are lovable. Quite frankly, I don't get it how someone just hates a cat. Yes they may be of little interest to you but hey, you don't have to be mean to them ... let them be ...
The most valuable lesson I think I've learned from cats? Be persistent. I've interacted with enough creatures on earth but nothing beats a cat in Persistence. This creature knows what it wants and goes for it ... wow!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I don't want to start with a boring line of thought. I want to write what's really on my mind and let out the pressure ... Grammar? Well, English is not my Native language, never will be but I'll do my best ... excuse the errors please ...
Last year ended with a twist of events ... I finally graduated after a Lecturer sent from hell (clever guess) was boycotting the whole process everytime I tried. I don't think I am that challenged academically. Facts to support that? I have always loved reading and although sometimes I joke around, my grades are usually above average ...
So, I finally graduate, then I fall sick. So sick its almost a paralysis of some sort ...  I am not in pain but I can't seem to do stuff right. I mean, even putting sugar into a cup is hard work. My nerves!
So starts the process of medication. I am still at it, things have become better so far (Thank God!) and that's when I realized I have so much free time to blog.
I got so bored on days power decided to go AWOL and leave me to the mercies of Print which I don't have coz they are all e's. Its a world of technology, eBooks! So If I want to read, the tab better have power or boredom becomes the order of the day.
I have so many thoughts. Some good, some insane, some downright evil and I want to write them down so that I can have something to call an ongoing life project. Of course I expect critics but after 2014 began the way it did, I really don't care about what people think. Think whatever you want but please by all means keep reading ...